The amount of money we make & have shapes our quality of life & the impact our business makes. It doesn’t define our intrinsic value but how we use it does reflect our moral values.
The following books have helped me embrace saving money, learn how to budget, reframe my worth, define my priorities & find peace with my choices.
1. You Are a Badass at Making Money, Jen Sincero
Hilarious, excuse-busting & very relatable, Jen’s no-nonsense perspective will help you embrace your self-worth & your desire to be rich. Her perspective totally reframes our tendency to play small, stay stuck as a victim of our circumstances & find comfort in our misery. With affirmations, anecdotes & journaling exercises, this is a total abundance mindset bootcamp that’ll inevitably motivate you into aligned action – & the feeling of living authentically is indescribable!
2. Worth It, Amanda Steinberg
A great book on the basics of net worth + money management. Amanda’s thoughts are nuanced (for example, owning property isn’t always the best investment option) & very human-driven (why are we spending the way we do?). I learned my money personality type & it sparked a fascinating discussion with my partner + friends. She also gives intermediate-level advice about business as an asset, balancing your budget for cash flow & other influential decisions that’ll affect your future affluence.
3. I Will Teach You to Be Rich, Ramit Sethi
This book also covers the basics of money management (retirement, investments, budgeting, etc.) but what I love most about Ramit’s approach to money is that he helps us identify the spending categories that bring us the most joy or meaning & then encourages us to spend it! You read that right – pick 1 or 2 favorite spending categories & splurge on them as much as you can, while cutting down unapologetically in all other areas of your life. Your goals might take a few months or years of saving, but they’ll be totally worth it.
Not sure how to take your spending (& satisfaction for your money) to the next level? He explains how we can stretch ourselves to raise our luxury level in our favorite spending category. If you like food, for example, you might not necessarily want to eat out every day. Instead, you could buy organic produce or small-batch items (olive oil, cheese, chocolate), hire a chef, do a private tour of your favorite vineyard, invest in restoration, or go on an adventure & try as many food trucks / pop-ups / Michelin star restaurants as you can. Money can give you access to exclusive experiences &/or dramatically increase their quality.
His philosophy is to embrace our lifestyle & to ignore how we should be living / spending according to external standards. This is a very refreshing perspective + absolutely brings back the fun into having money.
4. The Science of Getting Rich, Wallace D. Wattles
The grandfather of wealth mindset & manifestation, nearly every sentence is quotable – it’s that good. This book answers the question of how to direct our energy to create the results we dream of. It’s full of hope & I always feel so loved by Creation when I read it. You’ll feel amazing & confident to bring anything you desire into your life.
Bonus: 21 Days of Abundance – Meditation Series, Deepak Chopra
These short, limited-series, podcast episodes are bite-sized spiritual teachings, affirmations & mantra meditations all rolled into one. I find it’s great to reset my beliefs when I doubt myself & to reattune me to the vibration of love. This series addresses abundance in its full glory & elevates all aspects of life, not just finances.
Now I want to know:
What are your favorite money books & resources?
Let me know in the comments below!