As we’re closing another year & preparing for a bright new one, it’s the perfect time to reflect, take stock & do a retrospective.
Retrospectives are the final step in project management where we look back on what went well, what tripped us up & how we could do better next time.
Why does it matter? It’s important to review a project or our year so that we don’t stay in our patterns – by shining a light on the past 12 months, we reveal opportunities for growth & we gain wisdom as we integrate the lessons.
A retrospective can be very simple, like doing a 30-minute review during your day, or more elaborate, like taking half a day to create an intentional ritual around the closing of the year. It’s up to you + your preferences.
Rituals are powerful because they induce us into a different state – sharpening our focus & helping us embody the change we’re looking to create (here, ending the year + preparing for a fresh one).
Tips for a rich retrospective
Set the stage
This year’s review will ask you to feel into your choices + uncover patterns. You’ll need some quiet, uninterrupted time to get into an almost meditative state so that you can perceive what’s below the surface. Pick a moment when you will be undisturbed both by outside requests & internal stress + deadlines. Ideally, set aside 2-3 hours so that you can go slow + be thorough.
You can do this where you usually work (everything will be within arm’s distance, for better or worse) or choose some other place where you’ll be able to focus – your living room, the local coffee shop, the garden or the park. Wherever you feel uplifted yet can remain in the zone.
It’s also nice to bring comfort items along, for maximal coziness – a favorite blanket, drink or snacks, crystals or tarot cards, your journal, white noise or an ambient playlist. Help your nervous system to slow down & become more receptive.
Taking a walk, doing yoga or dancing can help you drop into your body & out of your mind.
Go over your activities
I like to start by reviewing my income + expenses (Profit & Loss statement) & my calendar – it helps me remember the highs & lows, my purchases, the relationships + projects I had this year. Inevitably, I feel gratitude for my journey.
As you explore your year’s activities, pay special attention to what was new (a new offer, client or skill set), what you learned (from a course or experience), where you feel disappointed, stressed or fearful. Ponder on & make note of which beliefs or mindset guided your decisions. What was the result? Perhaps you let doubt hold you back. Or you acted from a place of self-confidence & it led to dynamic problem-solving. Wherever you are on your journey, this is the time to acknowledge + honor it so that you can anchor what’s coming into the present – no denial, toxic positivity or spiritual bypassing!
Set new intentions / priorities
Now that you’ve a fuller picture of your year (& not just the last couple of months), what do you feel would help you most towards your goals?
Do you need more rest or time?
Perhaps you could let go of some of your activities (altogether, or delegate them to a team member).
Do you want to refine your systems?
Maybe a course on marketing or hiring a mindset coach would be most nourishing.
Do you want to scale your business?
What offer would you love to create? What kind of support would you like to invest in?
Project Planning with Intention
If you want some actionable help to plan + execute your new project, download my worksheet + checklist for free!
How do you feel now that you’ve gained clarity over your year + set new intentions for what’s to come? Take a moment to feel it all, you did great! ️🎉
Now I want to know:
Do you usually review your year? What’s 1 new thing you want to do / create / launch next year?
Let me know in the comments below!